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The Dangers of mold in your Home

Worldwide Waterproofing and Foundation Repair Inc. • May 1, 2020

The Dangers of mold in your Home

Mold is often referred to as “the silent killer” and for good reason. Mold is very dangerous and can harm
you, your family, your pets, and your house. The World Health Organization and UNICEF have both
linked mold to severe respiratory diseases and death. Understanding what it is, how it is harmful, how to
detect symptoms of its presence, and how to get rid of it is essential information to any homeowner.
What is Mold?
Mold is a kind of fungus that spreads by introducing tiny spores into the air. Mold grows when an area in
your home gets wet and stays wet. Mold is referred to as the silent killer not only because symptoms of
sickness develop slowly, but also because mold itself can be hard to spot. Mold can grow behind walls,
under flooring and drywall, almost anywhere. 
How does mold Affect your Health?
Although all mold can be toxic, its effect on your health mostly depends on how strong your immune
system is, how much you’ve been exposed to, and for how long.

Symptoms to look for are allergic responses, burning eyes, and cold or flu-like symptoms. If symptoms
get worse, they can result in difficulty breathing, dry coughs, headaches, problems with focus, nausea,
and respiratory issues.
Identify the Signs of mold Growth
Mold is a nuisance and very hard to get rid of. Even dead mold spores can be allergenic and toxic. Mold
needs to be physically removed in order to stop causing harm. If you start to notice a musty smell or
discolorations in areas of your home, check for damp walls in bathrooms, attics, and basements. You will
want to jump on this quickly before the infestation becomes costly or impossible to remove.
How to get rid of Mold
As it was previously mentioned, mold grows because of excess moisture accumulating in your
home. Our experts have the most up-to-date technology when it comes to detecting and
treating houses with mold. We’re also experts in waterproofing. We have decades of
experience detecting and preventing any water build up. Once we have addressed your
moisture problem, we’ll remove the mold growth and repair the damage caused.
Afterwards, we’ll have an indoor air quality professional come and check the air in your home
and based on that, use ultraviolet air cleaners to disinfect and destroy any microorganisms that
we find.

If you’re having a mold issue, or suspect that you are, please don’t hesitate to call! Call us today at (410)-
469-8999. We’re happy to help!

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